This is a pre-release. The API is stabilizing. The documentation is under construction. The project is usable.


An easy way to run processes like a shell script in Deno.

proc lets me write process-handling code in readable, idiomatic Typescript using async/await and AsyncIterator promisy goodness.

My goal in writing proc was to put Deno process handling on par with bash. Simple bash scripts are wonderful, but they tend to grow unwieldy over time as things are added. I'd like to be able to replace some of my old bash scripts with something more robust, and Deno is the first scripting language I've found that feels like it could work for this.

First, there is Deno's "Secure by default." This is huge when I am writing admin scripts, where if I make a mistake, I can wipe out a server. The ability to define security boundaries from the command-line is a game changer to me. Second, there is Deno's approach to package management, which means I can just import what I want and use it without required project infrastructure. I can just write a script and run it. Third, there is tight coupling with Typescript, which means I get strongly typed dynamic programming. I want someone to catch my mistakes, but I also want to code as fast as possible.

But there is still the nagging problem of the process API in Deno. It feels a little bit like I am dropping down into a poorly abstracted C library. It is hard to use processes correctly in Deno with this API. I find that I often end up leaking resources or - sometimes - leaving orphaned processes hanging around. However, when I use the Deno process API correctly, it is very reliable, has predictable behavior, and it is fast.

proc provides a reasonable solution to the leaky resource problem and - at the same time - redefines the API to be more in line with modern JavaScript. I hope you find it useful and enjoyable!


deno doc --reload 2> /dev/null


Input and Output Types

Processes really just deal with one type of data - bytes, in streams. Many programs will take this one step further and internally translate to and from text data, processing this data one line at a time.

proc treats process data as either Uint8Array or AsyncIterable<Uint8Array> for byte data, or string or AsyncIterable<string> (as lines of text) for text. It defines a set of standard input and output handlers that provide both type information and data handling behavior to the runner.

An Example

To get you started, here is a simple example where we pass a string to a process and get back a Uint8Array. The group is hidden in the gzip(...) function.

 * Use `gzip` to compress some text.
 * @param text The text to compress.
 * @return The text compressed into bytes.
async function gzip(text: string): Promise<Uint8Array> {
  const pg = group();
  try {
    /* I am using a string for input and a Uint8Array (bytes) for output. */
    const pr: Runner<string, Uint8Array> = runner(

    return await{ cmd: ["gzip", "-c"] }, text);
  } finally {

console.dir(await gzip("Hello, world."));
/* prints an array of bytes to console. */

Input Types

Name Description
emptyInput() There is no process input.
stringInput() Process input is a string.
stringArrayInput() Process input is a string[].
bytesInput() Process input is a Uint8Array.
readerInput()* Process input is a Deno.Reader & Deno.Closer.
stringIterableInput() Process input is an AsyncIterable<string>.
bytesIterableInput() Process input is an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>.

* - ReaderInput is a special input type that does not have a corresponding output type. It is not useful for piping data from process to process.

Output Types

Name Description
stringOutput() Process output is a string.
stringArrayOutput() Process output is a string[].
bytesOutput() Process output is a Uint8Array.
stringIterableOutput() Process output is an AsyncIterable<string>.
bytesIterableOutput() Process output is an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>.
stderrToStdoutStringIterableOutput()* stdout and stderr are converted to text lines (string) and multiplexed together.

* - Special output type that mixes stdout and stderr together. stdout must be text data.

Running a Command

proc is easiest to use with a wildcard import.

import * as proc from "";

First, create a template. The template is a static definition and may be reused. The input and output handlers determine the data types used by your runner.

const template = proc.runner(proc.emptyInput(), proc.stringOutput());

Next, create a runner by binding the template to a group.

const pg =;
const runner: proc.Runner<void, string> = template(pg);

Finally, use the runner to execute a command.

try {
  console.log({cmd: ["ls", "-la"]});
} finally {

Key Concepts

Process Basics

Processes accept input through stdin and output data to stdout. These two streams may be interpreted either as byte data or as text data, depending on the use case.

There is another output stream called stderr. This is typically used for logging and/or details about any errors that occur. stderr is always interpreted as text. In most cases it just gets dumped to the stderr stream of the parent process, but you have some control over how it is handled.

In some cases (Java processes come to mind), stdout and stderr are roughly interchangable, with logging and error messages written to either output stream in a sloppy manner. The stderrToStdoutStringIterableOutput() output handler gives you an option for handling both streams together.

Processes return a numeric exit code when they exit. 0 means success, and any other number means something went wrong. proc deals with error conditions on process exit by throwing a ProcessExitError. You should never have to poll for process status.

Asynchronous Iterables

JavaScript introduced the AsyncIterable as part of the 2015 spec. This is an asynchronous protocol, so it works well with the streamed data to and from a process.

proc heavily relies on AsyncIterable.

See JavaScript Iteration Protocols (MDN).

Preventing Resource Leakage

Processes are system resources, like file handles. This means they need special handling. We have to take special care to close each process, and we also have to close all the resources associated with each process - stdin, stdout, and stderr. Also, depending on how a Deno process shuts down, it may leave behind orphan child processes in certain cases (this behavior is well documented but annoying nonetheless) if measures aren't taken specifically to prevent this.

In other words, working with Deno's process API is more complicated than it looks.

To address the problem of leakage, proc uses group() to group related process lifetimes. When you are done using a group of processes, you just close the group. This cleans up everything all at once. It's easy. It's foolproof.

If you forget to close a group, or if your Deno process exits while you have some processes open, the group takes care of cleaning things up in that case too. Note that a group cannot be garbage-collected until it is explicitly closed.

const pr = runner(emptyInput(), stringOutput());
const pg = group();
try {
    await pr(pg).run({
      cmd: ["ls", "-la"],
} finally {