
A high-level way to run child processes that is easy, flexible, powerful, and prevents resource leaks.

proc lets you write process-handling code in readable, idiomatic Typescript using async/await and AsyncIterator promisy goodness. It provides a variety of powerful and flexible input and output handlers, making using processes comfortable and intuitive. And proc handles closing and shutting down process-related resources in a sane manner - because you have enough to worry about, right?

Although I don't think this project is ready for a 1.0 release, the API has been stable for some time now. I will be trying to avoid breaking changes.


Deno is packaged as a monolithic executable. Because it has no package manager, dependencies can be relied upon to be absolutely stable over time.

These features mean that Deno is uniquely placed as a language that can compete with shell scripts. Go and Rust require compilation. Java requires compilation and JAR files. Python requires an environment. Node requires node_modules and npm. With Deno, I can just run the script.

Put another way, I can write a single-file, non-compiled script in Deno that does something useful. I just have to drop the Deno executable into /usr/local/bin and everything will "just work."

So here is the problem. Deno has great support for launching child processes, but the API is low-level. It requires a lot of boilerplate and is difficult to use in an error-free manner.

If I am going to replace shell scripting, I need to have great child process support!

proc is my attempt to create a library that gives Deno all the power of a shell script for running child processes. These are the design goals:

  • fully embrace AsyncIterable (high level)
  • support various byte and string conversions (stuff you shouldn't have to worry about)
  • deterministic process shutdown and resource recovery (no more fighting with leaking process and file handles)
  • readable fluent syntax
  • attention to detail in error handling (process errors should not require extra thought)
  • speed, speed, speed


deno doc --reload 2> /dev/null


  • deno-asynciter map, filter, reduce, and collect for AsyncIterable<?>

Short-Form Run Functions

The short-form api makes the simple stuff simple and significantly reduces code boilerplate associated with the runner api (next section). It has limitations, but it is a surprisingly good solution for many common use cases. Here are some of the plusses and minuses:

  • The Good:
    • Minimal code - easy to write, easy to read.
    • Covers many common use cases.
    • Automatically prevents resource leakage associated with
  • The Bad:
    • Not general. Supported data types (input and output) are limited.
    • Not good for large datasets (no streaming, output kept in memory).
    • No custom stderr processing.
    • No custom error handling.

The input for a run* function may be undefined (void) or any of the following:

  • string or Uint8Array
  • string[] or Uint8Array[]
  • Iterable<string> or Iterable<Uint8Array>
  • AsyncIterable<string> of AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>
  • Deno.Reader & Deno.Closer

The following short-form run* functions are available. There is a different function for each supported output type.

Name Output Type Description
run0 Promise<void> stdout is redirected to the parent, unbuffered
runB Promise<Uint8Array> all the bytes from stdout
runS Promise<string> stdout converted to text
runSa Promise<string[]> stdout as lines of text

ℹ️ run0 doesn't return anything, but it redirects stdout (and stderr) to the parent process in real time. This works great for side-effect jobs like builds, where the stdout is human-readable log data.

An Example

This shell script compresses and then uncompresses some text.

echo "Hello, world." | gzip | gunzip

This is how the same thing can be accomplished in TypeScript using the short-form api in proc.

async function gzip(text: string): Promise<Uint8Array> {
  return await proc.runB({ cmd: ["gzip"] }, text);

async function gunzip(bytes: Uint8Array): Promise<string> {
  return await proc.runS({ cmd: ["gunzip"] }, bytes);

const compressedBytes = await gzip("Hello, world.");
const originalText = await gunzip(compressedBytes);


 * Uint8Array(33) [
 *  31, 139,   8,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
 *   3, 243,  72, 205, 201, 201, 215,  81,  40,
 * 207,  47, 202,  73, 209,   3,   0, 119, 219,
 *  89, 123,  13,   0,   0,   0
 * ]
 * Hello, world.

The Runner API (Long-Form)

The runner api requires a bit more boilerplate, but it is a general solution. It supports arbitrary input and output handlers, allowing you to choose whether you want the data to be streamed or buffered, and what types of conversions you want to be performed automatically. It allows control over stderr data and the ability to customize error handling in different ways.

It also exposes process groups, allowing you to clean up your processes reliably in more complex streaming scenarios. You'll need to use process groups and streaming data when larger data sizes and performance are concerns.

Input and Output Handlers

proc uses input and output handlers that let you choose both the types and behaviors for your data. It also lets you customize stderr and error handling. With just a little code for definition, you can work with bytes or text, synchronous or asynchronous, buffered or unbuffered.

Input Types

Name Description
emptyInput() There is no process input.
stringInput() Process input is a string.
stringArrayInput() Process input is a string[].
bytesInput() Process input is a Uint8Array.
readerInput()* Process input is a Deno.Reader & Deno.Closer.
readerUnbufferedInput()* Process input is a Deno.Reader & Deno.Closer, unbuffered.
stringIterableInput() Process input is an AsyncIterable<string>.
stringIterableUnbufferedInput() Process input is an AsyncIterable<string>, unbuffered.
bytesAsyncIterableInput() Process input is an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>.
bytesAsyncIterableUnbufferedInput() Process input is an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>, unbuffered.

* - readerInput() and readerUnbufferedInput() are special input types that do not have corresponding output types.

Output Types

Name Description
stringOutput() Process output is a string.
stringArrayOutput() Process output is a string[].
bytesOutput() Process output is a Uint8Array.
stringIterableOutput() Process output is an AsyncIterable<string>.
stringIterableUnbufferedOutput() Process output is an AsyncIterable<string>, unbuffered.
bytesAsyncIterableOutput() Process output is an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>.
bytesAsyncIterableUnbufferedOutput() Process output is an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>, unbuffered.
stderrToStdoutStringIterableOutput()* stdout and stderr are converted to text lines (string) and multiplexed together.

* - Special output handler that mixes stdout and stderr together. stdout must be text data. stdout is unbuffered to allow the text lines to be multiplexed as accurately as possible.

ℹ️ You must fully consume Iterable outputs. If you only partially consume Iterables, process errors will not propagate properly. For correct behavior, we have to return all the data from the process streams before we can propagate an error.

Running a Command

proc is easiest to use with a wildcard import.

import * as proc from "";

First, create a template. The template is a static definition and may be reused. The input and output handlers determine the data types used by your runner.

const template = proc.runner(proc.emptyInput(), proc.stringOutput());

Next, create a runner by binding the template to a group.

const pg =;
const runner: proc.Runner<void, string> = template(pg);

Finally, use the runner to execute a command.

try {
  console.log({ cmd: ["ls", "-la"] }));
} finally {

⚠️ If you are working with AsyncIterable outputs, these must be completely processed before you close the associated Group.

A Simpler Alternative - The Global Group

It is not strictly necessary to create and close a local Group. If you don't specify a group, proc will use the global Group that exists for the lifetime of the Deno process.

const runner = proc.runner(proc.emptyInput(), proc.stringOutput())();
console.log({ cmd: ["ls", "-la"] }));

Notice the empty parentheses at the end of the first line in the second example. This is using the implicit global Group (which you don't need to close manually).

Most of the time, proc can automatically clean up processes. In some cases where the output of one process feeds into the input of another, the first process's output won't be fully read, and therefore the process cannot be automatically shut down. This can also happen if you don't fully process AsyncIterable output of a process. This can result in resource leakage. If your program is short and does not start many processes, or if you are sure that the way you are using processes is well behaved (either non-streaming output or all output data is fully consumed), you can use the short form safely.

ℹ️ Deno.test will detect process resource leakage. An easy approach is to test your child process code. If your tests detect a leak, use a local Group.

Direct Control Over stderr

For most of the output handlers, the first argument is optional and allows you to pass a function to process stderr yourself.

  • The function is passed one argument - an AsyncIterator<Uint8Array> of stderr in Uint8Array form (unbuffered); use toLines(...) to convert into text lines
  • You can optionally return an unknown (anything) from this function; this are attached to the ProcessExitError if the process returns a non-zero error code
  • You can throw an error from this function; this allows you to scrape stderr and do special error handling

The examples use this feature a couple of times.

See stderr-support.ts for some functions that provide non-default stderr bahaviors. You can use these directly, and they also serve as good working examples.

Overriding the Default Exit-Code Error Handling Behavior

For most of the output handlers, the second argument is optional and allows you to redefine the way that proc raises errors based on the process exit code.

This doesn't come up very often, but occasionally you may not want to treat all non-zero exit codes as an error. You also may want to throw your own error rather than the standard ProcessExitError.

The default error handling definition is defined in error-support.ts. Refer to this code if you want to create a custom error handler.