A microframework for Deno focused on resource creation and content negotiation.
// File: app.ts
import Drash from "https://deno.land/x/drash@v0.27.1/mod.ts";
class HomeResource extends Drash.Http.Resource {
static paths = ["/"];
public GET() {
this.response.body = "Hello World!";
return this.response;
let server = new Drash.Http.Server({
address: "localhost:1337",
response_output: "text/html",
resources: [HomeResource]
$ deno --allow-net --allow-env app.ts
For a more complicated application, try out the Hello World tutorial series!
For full documentation, visit https://drash.io.
- Content Negotiation
- Static Path Routing
- Regex Path Routing (e.g.,
) - Middleware
- Request Params Parsing
- Path Params (e.g.,
)request.getPathParam("id") == "value of :id or {id}"
- URL Query Params (e.g.,
)request.getQueryParam("name") == beignet
- Body Params Using application/x-www-form-urlencoded (e.g.,
)request.getBodyParam("username") == "root"
- Body Params Using application/json (e.g.,
)request.getBodyParam("password") == "alpine"
- Header Params (e.g.,
{"Some-Header":"Some Value"}
)request.getHeaderParam("Some-Header") == "Some Value"
- ... or the default way (
request.headers.get("Some-Header") == "Some Value"
- Path Params (e.g.,
Contributors are welcomed!